Monday, September 28, 2015

Apples Galore

It's apple picking time!

My sister-in-law gave me a whole bunch of apples yesterday. She picked about 17 dozen from the one tree. The apples on the other tree aren't quite ready for picking yet. They are still a bit small and not quite ripe.

So to celebrate apples, you will find a few links below with free apple pattern!

My bowl of yellow apples!

Here's a few apple projects to check:


  1. Your apples look delicious! Yesterday we passed by several trees that were absolutely laden with apples and I couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever picked them. I guess the birds will get a real feast and they will be food for the deer later on. Great links - thank you.

    1. Thanks! My apples are still in the fridge! Oh, my - no time these days.

  2. I better grab a cup of tea so I can explore these links. I might even treat myself to a homemade piece of apple pie......really I have some.

  3. I'm not fond of fresh apples..but I absolutely love to bake with them. My grandkids (18 and 20 now) still love fried apples and look forward to the fall when I can't buy enough applies. Thanks for the links!!
    xx, Carol

    1. I've never had fried apples, Carol. Something to think about trying. Hope you get a chance to check out the links.
