Well, my bags are packed for my trip to Halifax this afternoon. I'm looking forward to my first time visit to the Atlantic Canada Trade Show (ACTS). Yesterday was a flurry of work getting last minute things done
- Wholesale Product Catalog was printed
- Product Sample Binder was finished
- Purchased a new carry-on bag
- Wall signs for each product is done
- All electronics are charged

In between work, I did manage to check out a few more blogs on the
Grow Your Blog Hop. To my surprise, my blog has grown too. Thanks for visiting and signing on to get updates! It's much appreciated. I've also gotten quite a number of comments. You can see those in the various posts below.
Elaine Quehl has finished four small quilts which are called Encore. They look great!
I also found this neat
finger pincushion from Nunn Design. I think the colours caught my eye - so bright and cheerful!
Don't forget to check out
Sew We Quilt for the the hop, She Who Sews with Quilting Treasures.
Check out the weekly post from the
Needle and Thread Network (all Canadian Textile Artists. I added my blog this week.