The owner is a delightful young lady who greets everyone with a friendly smile. You are left to browse around at your leisure but someone is there to help if necessary. I liked the well lit and uncluttered space. Notions, books and patterns were well displayed.
Classes are offered in their spacious and well lit workshop. Sewing machines are available for rental by the hour so you can work on a project at your own pace. Not only that, there is always someone there who can offer assistance if needed. I'm finding that this is becoming a common thing to do in some quilting stores. As well, some classes offered are smaller quilted projects. For example, one of the classes is a modern quilting pillow with the emphasis on free motion stitching. The student gets to piece a small block, sandwich it like a quilt, decide what way to stitch the top and then sew it up to make a pillow. For beginning quilters, this is a great way to get started.
Tomorrow I will post more photos of the store.

that's my pillow Judy! I will be teaching free motion quilting at Patch in late September.