Monday, February 20, 2017

Lights, Camera, Action . . .

Lights, Camera, Action! No action here as we want the objects to be perfectly still (and they were).

The Provincial Craft Wholesale Show is this weekend. Thank goodness I had most of my products completed (I do both a Cash & Carry and orders) before I fractured my right arm (doctor appointment this Friday). Today, my husband finished taking photos of all my wholesale items (fibre art pendants, shimmers, needle felted ornaments) for catalogue / order form.

Have a look at his setup. I just sat at the table and made sure he got things in order. He's a great one for inventing gadgets to make things work. Note the metal stand to hold shimmers. The top part rotates so shimmer is front on. That's a wire from the shimmer to the top and not a string. On each side of the light box there are two lights from Costco. We have lots of different lighting treatments. It's difficult to shoot without shadows but he did it! Now, a little bit of computer work and all will be ready for printing / posting as a PDF.