Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Where's Spring?

Spring has finally arrived! In theory anyway - we had 20 cm of snow on Monday and another weather system is coming up the eastern sea board this evening. It's time to bring some light and airy colours into the house since there's none outside yet. As Easter is close, I thought that might be the place to start! I checked around and found some nifty patterns for you. Most of them are free.
I can't wait to see these bloom under the globe cedar in the back garden. Hurry up Spring and get with it!!!


  1. I'm in NS and we're currently being hit by quite a large blizzard. I imagine it's on it's way to you. Thanks for the lovely links. They'll remind me that spring is out

  2. Love the little bunny treat bags. I must one of those for a special wee girl I know:)

    We have lots of snow still and I'm hoping we don't get any more.
