Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More Temari Balls

Here are a few more Japanese Temari Balls that my stitch friend made. I've shown two views for a couple of them to let you see how different they can be from another angle. The peach and purple temari was complicated to do and very time consuming. It's easy to see why.

The last one, with the coloured pins, is still in progress. Aren't the colours just gorgeous! I can't wait to see it finished.

They are all beautiful!


  1. What patience you have! These are beautiful!

  2. My friend is the one with all the patience! V does a marvelous job.

  3. I find these so fascinating! Beautiful.

  4. Your friend's temari are incredible. Thanks for sharing!

  5. These are simply unbelievable. Due to your previous posting on Temari, I've added a few new books to my wish lists at Amazon and Chapters. I don't know whether to thank you or.....tell you not to show me so many wonderful things. I guess I'll thank you.
