Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Book Review: Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery

I received Sharon Boggon's book, Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery, for Christmas. This book is a visual guide of 120 embroidery stitches. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced embroiderer, this book encourages you to create new patterns by playing with the stitches. For example, to manipulate the height and width of a stitch, to overlap and stack stitches, to combine laced and threaded stitches . . . Page 27 has a list of 21 questions to consider when using a particular stitch, such as

  • How does this stitch behave on a curve?
  • Can this stitch be laced with another thread?
  • What happens if I add beads?
Lots of stitch combinations to consider!

You won't be disappointed with the coloured photos throughout the book.

You are probably familiar with Sharon's website, Pintangle. If not, and you are interested in hand embroidery (beginner or experienced), please check it out. 

Another TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday) challenge started today. So it's time to get your threads and doodle cloth ready for stitching!

More links about hand embroidery:



  1. This book is very high on my wish list (I have a couple of other books by Sharon already). Thank you for the great links....don't know if you intended there to be a live link to the DMC free patterns???

  2. Thanks for noticing the non-link to DMC.
    Sharon's books are great. I, too, have others.
