Earlier this month I posted about my father's car accident. He passed away on the 13 and was buried yesterday. We celebrated his long life instead of mourning his passing. On that note, it's important to create memories with loved ones to cherish over time. As I was reading a few recent posts, I came across Miamoonlove's
Salt Dough Christmas Decorations. I'm sure, some of you have made similar ones as children.
One of the pleasures of putting up my Christmas tree each year is recalling how I received the various ornaments. Many came from my travels and family members. However, one particular salt dough ornament (an elf, the last survivor), was made when my daughter was in primary school. I was geared up to do the Christmas themed ones but not my girl! For example, she proceeded to make a pack of Smarties (candy) and a pair of hugh red lips. For years at Christmas, whenever I saw something with red lips, I would get it for her. I still get a chuckle over it.
It's important to make those precious memories. Why not dig out some craft supplies and spend some time creating your own. They will stay with you for ever.