I did hand deliver a cloth book, made by my sister, Joan, to our mom. The book has a page for each month with all the birthdays written down. The fabrics selected were interesting. In fact, I recognized a couple she found in my stash. Here's an example:
This is mom's birthday. She will be 98 in November! |
April was the only month without a birthday listed. Good job, Joan!!
- Home made cloth activity book HERE
- Making a fabric book cover HERE
- Fabric Books and How to Make Them on Pinterest HERE,
- Soft Book Tutorial HERE
I love the idea of a fabric book - saw one recently that was made up entirely of embroidery stitch samples and it lit a teeny little flame in my mind which I'm trying hard to tamp down because time is precious. I also like what your sister did for your mom. (oh, and welcome home!)