Thursday, November 21, 2013


Today was a sunny one and I took advantage to do a bit of shopping. I finally made it downtown to visit a new yarn shop, Cast On Cast Off (don't you just love that name). They opened on Saturday. I'm not going to say much more about them yet as I am going to do a blog post, with photos, in the near future. Needless to say, the yarn there is beautiful - such vibrant colours too. The striped sock yarn below, won't become socks. It will be used in needle felting and fiber lace scarves. I just couldn't resist the multi coloured yarn with the green, brown, turquoise and plum colours either.

I wanted some #8 pearl cotton, so my next stop was Fiber Lily, another new shop. This one has specialty organic fabrics and much more. I will also be posting about this shop too.They were already out of many of the vibrant colours of pearl cotton that I saw there last week. Should have stocked up then. I was assured that more was on the way! I plan to use them with the wire from Michael's.

Here's what I bought:

Cast On Cast Off

Fiber Lily (the wire is from Michael's)

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous yarns. How nice to have two new shops in town.
