Thursday, May 30, 2013

Flying Geese

Thanks to my niece, here is a photo of the baby quilt that I posted about yesterday. Now you can see all the little triangles that my sister cut and stitched.


  1. The quilt is gorgeous! Well done! And many thanks for the photo of the whole quilt. Laying in the crib, tho, it looks perfect for a new little baby... It's lovely!

  2. Amei de paixão conhecer o seu blog e achei perfeito seus trabalhos em especial a colcha"gansos voando" linda!!!!Visite:
    Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!


    Beijos Marie.

  3. Translation to above post:

    Loved the passion to know your blog and found this perfect work in particular quilt "flying geese" beautiful!!
